I, Scott Musselman, have been the pastor at Our Savior’s since 1995 after coming down from the frozen tundra of Minnesota and North Dakota. I am married to Debbie. We have two sons, Dan and Matt. My mission in life is: Willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause. My vision is: Seeking transformation for an American Christian Church which has become ineffective in speaking to our culture. My hobby: Photography. My avocation: Music. My passion: Sports cars, after my wife – of course.
I believe that following Jesus makes life better. There is more joy, more relationship, more love as a result. This is what God graciously desires for all His people – including you.
Our congregational focus is: Growing Together in Christ; Reaching Out in Love. We grow in our relationship with God as we worship. We grow in our relationship with each other as we come together in discipleship small groups to find a safe and encouraging place to discover God’s hope for our lives. Then, with the presence of God at our side, we reach out into a world of people who need a touch of God’s love like we have experienced.
I believe that that love touches the practical realities of our lives in powerful ways: developing relationships with spouse, children and friends; paying the house mortgage, credit cards and car loan; finding and keeping a job; discovering meaning and purpose.
So how do you start your journey with Jesus in the community of Our Savior’s? Worship on a Sunday morning. If you are drawn to the traditional hymns of faith and a choir, try 9:00 a.m. classic worship (lower level of facility). If you are drawn to music with a beat and a band, try 10:30 a.m. modern worship (lower level). If you are a very young person, try 10:30 a.m. children’s worship with storytelling, crafts, singing, games and more (upper level for those in grades 1-5, lower level nursery for those in kindergarten and younger). I’d love to meet you and discover together how God is moving in your life…..
God’s blessings to you and your household,
Pastor Scott