Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Leadership
Our Savior’s Lutheran thrives because of the energy and style of the people who are a part of our leadership. Here are a few of the people that make our church community special:
Jan Houser, Director of Music
Jan is instrumental in leading worship at our classic and children’s worship services
Marjorie Beenders, Director of Outreach
Marjorie is a marketing guru, having previously been the state director of tourism and now has her own national advertising business. Marjorie brings a passion for outreach and many gifts in the leadership capacity.
Director of Discipleship (Vacant)
Janice Rambo, Director of Administration
Janice leads the Administration Ministry including Stewardship, Office Coordination, Building and Grounds, and Housekeeping.
Kim Duggan, Director of Worship Ministries
Kim brings great depth and breadth to her passion for music and worship. She oversees the variety of our expressions to discover a way for anyone to find a way to feel ushered into the presence of God.