Discipleship – the Journey with Jesus.
Leader is Stephen Brooks.
Children’s and Youth Ministry
Are children seemingly drawn to you? You might like to work with children’s worship which is coordinated by Debbie Musselman. Maybe you enjoy connecting with adolescents. Contact Pastor Scott if you have interest in working with youth.
Congregational Care
Card Ministry
There is a group of people who regularly get together to develop and produce greeting cards for all sorts of occasions. Brie Barron brings her artistic flair for facilitating this ministry.
Men’s Ministry
The Sunshine Boys is a social group for retired men. They meet in the fellowship hall the last Thursday of each month at 9:30 a.m.
Prayer Ministry
This team prays with people in the hospital, folks at worship, requests that come from the Connection Cards, etc. The Prayer Team gathers every Sunday morning at 11:40 in the Prayer Room following worship. Nancy Hoffman coordinates this ministry.
Women’s Ministry
Tamar Bible study Circle meets the last Thursday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Hannah Bible study Circle meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at a rotating location. There are a number of other activities throughout the year. Gloria Sharp leads our women’s ministry.
Discipleship Groups
These groups are essential to your faith journey at Our Savior’s. These groups focus on the accountability issues of spirituality such as reading the Bible, prayer and faith sharing. These are a safe place to explore how your faith impacts daily life. Current options include the following:
- Sunday – A group meets at 10:30 am in the Church Fellowship Hall.
- Monday – An evening group with Pastor Scott meets on the first and third Mondays at 7 p.m.
- Monday – An evening group with Nancy Hoffman meets on the second and fourth Mondays at 7 pm.
- Wednesday – An evening group with Gretchen Mueller meets 6 p.m. weekly at the church.
- Variable – There is an empty nester group which meets as mutually agreeable.
Integration is the process of assisting people to find their calling from God to live out faith within and through our congregation. This process includes an orientation to our ministry, a spiritual gifts inventory, and personal conversation with leaders. Trisha Schlechte leads this ministry.